09-15-24 Jason Smith -"The Return of the Seventy Two"
Order of Worship 09/15/24 Announcements God So Loved Blessed Be the Name In Christ Alone Sermon – Pastor Jason "The Return of the...
09-15-24 Jason Smith -"The Return of the Seventy Two"
09-08-24 Jason Smith -"Jesus Sends Out the 72 and Unrepentant Cities"
09-01-24 Jason Smith -"Jesus Rejected and the Cost of Following Him"
08-25-24 Jason Smith -"Three Failures of the Disciples"
08-18-24 Jason Smith -"Transfigured Glory"
08-11-24 Jason Smith -"The Cost of Discipleship"
07-07-24 Jason Smith -"Herod Perplexed and Peter Confesses Who is Jesus"
07-14-24 Jason Smith -"Jesus Feeds Five Thousand"
07-21-24 Garfield Simmons -"Church Unity"
07-28-24 John Goodsell -"Worship"
08-04-24 Tom Hillesland -"Faith and Works"